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Friday 19 June 2015

Foods that cause Miscarriage in Pregnant women.

by Unknown  |  in tbthealth at  1:33 pm

Miscarriage is a very bad thing. Imagine been pregnant for 6 months, just 3 months to your day of joy, you have miscarriage. Waste!. May God help us all.
So as to prevent this tragedy, we are imploring you on foods and fruits you shouldn't take during your pregnancy stage.
- Crabs
Crab has a high level of nutrients, provides a rich source of calcium that helps strengthen bones and teeth; it’s also a favorite food of many pregnant women when summer comes.
However, no matter how you love eating crabs, you need to limit eating them in the first 3 months of pregnancy. That’s because crabs can cause the uterus to shrink, which leads to genital bleeding or even miscarriage.
Besides, the content of cholesterol in crabs is very high. Pregnant women who have high blood pressure, Pre-eclampsia shouldn’t eat crabs.
Crab has a high level of nutrients.
- Tortoise
Have you ever heard about the harmful effects from eating crabs during pregnancy? Tortoise is good for the kidney, but it’s also fishy and cold, and able to remove tumor, clear the vein.
So, tortoise has certain harmfulness to pregnant women, particularly, the tortoise’s leg can cause miscarriage more easily than its meat.
- Pineapple
Pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy shouldn’t eat and drink too much pineapple juice because this fruit can cause contraction which leads to miscarriage; cause diarrhea or allergy to pregnant women. The reason is that pineapple has bromelain which is able to soften the uterus and produces aborticide. However, after this period of time, pregnant women can eat a moderate and sensible amount of pineapple.
In the first 3 months of pregnancy, women shouldn’t eat pineapple.
- Pearl barley
The pearl barley contains lots of amino acid that is necessary to the body. Eating lots of pearl barley can provide the energy consumed because of the high temperature on hot days and improve resistance power. For women, having a sensible amount of pearl barley can help them have a bright, smooth skin, reduce wrinkles, remove freckles and brown spots.
- Purslain
The purslain is easy to grow, take care of and find. It’s a herbal remedy and food and has cold nature. In fact, it’s proved that the purslain can make quite a stimulation on the uterus and increase the time and intensity of the uterus‘s elasticity, which produce the risk of miscarriage.
- Medlar
The Medlar has an ability to excite the uterus and stimulate the elasticity.
The Medlar has sour, acrid and sweet flavors that are very suitable for pregnant women with their morning sickness, but it’s not good indeed. According to documents, the Medlar has an ability to excite the uterus and stimulate the elasticity, causing miscarriage and pre-mature birth.
- Caffeine drinks
In pregnancy, if women use caffeine drinks usually (coffee, tea, coke, tonic, soda, cocktail…), they’ll have a risk of increasing heart rate and blood pressure, which leads to insomnia and headache. Not only that, it also affects the fetus’s development, which produces the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.
- Longan
Longan is delicious and has sweet smell and flavor. However, this is one of the foods that pregnant women shouldn’t eat. That’s because while pregnant, women often feel hot from inside and constipation. Eating lots of longans will increase the hot feelings, times of fetal derangement, bleeding inside, lower abdomen pain, or even damage the fetus, which leads to miscarriage.
Longan causes hot flashes which is not good for pregnant women.
- Unpasteurized milk
The unpasteurized or fresh milk is milk that hasn’t been through processing. It’s not popular in the market. In the unpasteurized milk, there’re listeria bacteria which can increase the risk of miscarriage.
- Green papaya
A lot of researches have showed that green papayas or not-really-ripe ones contain lots of enzyme and pus, which causes gestational contractions and miscarriage. Moreover, green papayas contain prostaglandin and oxytocin that are essential substances to prepare for the delivery. So, when the fetus isn’t old enough, eating green papayas can cause miscarriage.
- Aloe
Aloe can cause pelvic hemorrhage.
Aloe is considered to be magical remedy for women’s beauty; it helps take care of all kinds of skin, prevent wrinkles and lose weight.
However, pregnant women shouldn’t drink aloe juice because it can lead to pelvic hemorrhage or even miscarriage.
- Barley
Barley is a grain that is processed into many nutritious products. However, barley can stimulate uterus’s smooth muscles, causing miscarriage.
- Animal liver
The animal liver can harm pregnant women because it’ll contain lots of toxic products if the animal is infected with diseases. Besides, liver has plenty of cholesterol and vitamin A. If pregnant women eat too much liver while using drugs or other nutritious products, they can have excess vitamin which badly affect babies.
- Foods that have plenty of vitamin A
It’s important to avoid vitamin A in pregnancy because it can cause bad effects and damages to the fetus. Pregnant women should avoid eating foods that contain a great amount of vitamin A (liver…).
- Processed meat
The processed meat including sausage, pate, stuffed food… must be avoided during pregnancy. According to the latest research, eating too much processed meat can harm the fetus. In the worse situation, it can cause fetal poisoning or lead to miscarriage.
Pregnant women who crave this food should only eat a small amount of it and take notice of the temperature that the food is processed in for safety.
Pregnant women shouldn’t eat raw or uncooked foods.
- Uncooked meat
The toxoplasmosis parasite is able to live in uncooked meat and cause some complication like miscarriage, stillbirth, and others when pregnant women are in their first 3 months of pregnancy. You should cook meat well and carefully process foods to get rid of the parasites in it.
- Raw, uncooked eggs
Raw or uncooked eggs can be infected with salmonella which brings trouble to pregnant women and their fetus. Salmonella can go through the placenta and cause severe infection or even death to the fetus.
You’d better avoid foods including uncooked eggs like salad, homemade ice-cream, mayonnaise… When cooking eggs, you should make sure that both of the egg yolk and white are well done.
- Cheese
Cheese is not really a safe food for pregnant women to eat.
Cheese is not really a safe food for pregnant women to eat. Cheeses should be avoid during pregnancy, such as: cheese camembe, cheese rocopho, feta cheese, Gorgonzola cheese and other Mexican cheeses. The compound of those cheeses has some bacteria which can cause miscarriage. You should only eat cheeses that are made of pasteurized milk.

Source: mom.girlstalk


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