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Sunday, 5 July 2015

Few Facts on the Tsetse Fly

by Unknown  |  at  3:53 pm

The Tsetse fly is another quick killing fly, it's majorly known for transmitting sleeping diseases. Read few of its facts, and Images of the fly would be updated soon.(Am having problem with downloading)
Tsetse fly larva excretes a powerful toxin through pores in its skin. A single drop is powerful enough to kill a human!
- The word 'tsetse' comes from Tswana (a language of Southern Africa) which means 'fly'
- There are 22 different species of the tsetse fly
- Tsetse flies feed on the blood of animals
- Tsetse flies have been on this earth for 34 million years
- They are primarily responsible for
transmitting viruses that cause such
diseases as 'sleeping sickness' in people and 'nagana' in animals
- Tsetse flies are also known as 'tik-tik' flies
- Tsetse flies are multivoltine, which means they produce many broods per year.
- Tsetse flies produce about four generations yearly, and up to 31 generations total over their entire lifespan!
- Tsetse flies look alot like regular houseflies. However, you can tell the difference by observing their anatomy. One way to identify them is by their wings. The tsetse fly fold their wings completely when resting so that one wing rests directly on top of the other.
- The tsetse fly is responsible for 250,000 – 300,000 deaths per year!!!
Source: Tsetseflydotorg


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